Adriana Pinello


Which fictional character do you most identify with?
Joey Tribbiani from Friends. He is caring, loyal, and a good-natured person. He loves to be with his family and friends and loves to have a good time. He doesn't like to share his food either.

What person (living or dead) would you most like to spend the day with?
I would love to spend the day with Ellen Degeneres. She is a warm-hearted person that is always looking to help people who deserve it. One of my favorite lines of hers is "be kind to one another."

Favorite time of day
8:00pm because this is the time I have to myself to read, watch NetFlix, and hangout with my family.

Food you can't live without

Tell us something people might not know about you.
I don't like chocolate or peanut butter

Who influenced you most in your life?
Besides my parents, my professor from college influenced me to be a positive person. He always came to class with a smile on his face and took time to sit and help me to stay focused on one thing at a time.

What do you like most about your job?
The positive energy that everyone brings into the office everyday.

What is your favorite quote?
"Everything happens for a reason"

If you could be anywhere, where would you want to be?
Somewhere in the mountains besides a lake or lying on the beach with a book in my hand.

Who or what did you most want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a teacher or an orthodontist. It wasn't until high school when I realized that I could take my passion for art and design and turn it into a career.